How to Make Al Gore President

October 12, 2007 at 10:39 pm (2008 Elections, Academy Awards, Al Gore, An Inconvenient Truth, Blogroll, Climate Change, Draft Gore, Global Warming, journalism, media, Oscar, Politics, the press)

To all who care about our country and our planet:

On October 10, 2007, Al Gore’s former Chief of Staff in the White House said of a possible Gore candidacy, “He’s not ruled it out in the future.” When asked by a reporter what “the future” meant, Neel said, “Sometime later than today.” <… >

We can change the course of the future by working together now to get Al Gore to run.

What to do:

1) Sign the petition to draft Al Gore
2) Participate in the “My Two Cents” campaign
3) Write letters to the editor of your local newspapers
4) Join an existing Gore group or form a new one
5) Send this e-mail to at least five people.

How to do it:

1) To sign the petition, go to /
2) To participate in the “My Two Cents” campaign, send a letter to Al Gore telling him why you want him to run, and tape two pennies to your letter. Explain that you’ll send real support when he becomes a candidate. Send as many letters as you can to:
Office of the Honorable Al Gore
2100 West End Avenue, Suite 620
Nashville, TN 37203
3) Write a letter to the editor of at least one local newspaper explaining why Al Gore should run for president (i.e., leadership on global warming, right on Iraq from the beginning, world-wide respect, etc.). Make the letter heartfelt.
4) Join a Gore group in your area or form one if there isn’t already one. Go to, enter your zip code, and see if there’s a group near you. If there is no group in your area, consider starting one of your own by following the directions. If you have problems joining or forming a group, contact Karen Wunderman at .
5) Send this e-mail to at least five people on your e-mail list. Also consider printing out hard copies of this letter and distributing them wherever appropriate.

Thank you on behalf of future generations and our planet.


Steve Robinson Campaign Director,
Jim Tate Field Director,
Karen Wunderman Chief of Staff,

1 Comment

  1. nelsonmelle said,

    You made me a believer again. Let’s get Gore in the White House!

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